USP 38 - NF 33 United States Pharmacopoeia and National...

USP 38 - NF 33 United States Pharmacopoeia and National Formulary 2015

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38th Edition 2015.The United States Pharmacopeia - National Formulary (USP–NF) is a combination of two official compendia, the United States Pharmacopeia (USP) and the National Formulary (NF). It contains standards for medicines,dosage forms, drug substances, excipients, biologics, compounded preparations, medical devices, dietary supplements, and other therapeutics. USP-NF standards are enforceable by the US. Food and Drug Administration for medicines manufactured and marketed in the United States.A monograph includes the name of the ingredient or preparation; the definition; packaging, storage and labeling requirements; and the specification. The specification consists of a series of tests, procedures for the tests, and acceptance criteria. Medicinal ingredients and products will have the stipulated strength, quality, and purity if they conform to the requirements of the monograph and relevant general chapters.
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