Hogue Down. AP English Literature and Composition - Crash...

Hogue Down. AP English Literature and Composition - Crash Course

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Research & Education Association, 2011. — 345 pages.
REA's AP English Literature and Composition Crash Course is the first book of its kind for the last-minute studier or any AP student who wants a quick refresher on the course. The Crash Course is based on a careful analysis of the AP English Literature and Composition Course Description outline and actual AP test questions.
Written by an AP English teacher, our easy-to-read format gives students a crash course in the major elements of literature and provides expert advice on writing essays. The targeted review chapters prepare students for the exam by focusing on die important topics tested on the AP English Literature and Composition exam
Unlike other test preps, REA's AP English Literature and Composition Crash Course gives you a review specifically focused on what you really need to study in order to ace the exam The review chapters offer you a concise way to learn all the important AP material before the test.
The introduction discusses the keys for success and shows you strategies to help you build your overall point score. Part Two is an overview of the basic elements of literature. The chapters focus on fiction, poetry, and language, and provide a handy summary of literary periods, authors, and concepts.
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