The analytical Greek lexicon

The analytical Greek lexicon

Bagster Samuel.
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Publisher: London, Bagster
Pages: 560
Language: EnglishThe present volume has been compiled for the purpose of rendering the same assistance in acquiring a knowledge of the original language of the New Testament, that is afforded, in the case of the Old, by the recently-published Analytical Hebrew and Chaldee Lexicon. It offers, in the first place. Lexicography of the ordinary kind; namely, an exhibition of the meanings of words. These are arranged in their proper classification, with respect to the primitive signification of each word, and are accompanied by references to places of their occurrence, in general so full as to approach to a concordance.
But its distinctive feature consists in an Alphabetical Arrangement of every occurring inflexion of every word. Each form is exactly named, and referred to its root; the whole thus forming a precise analysis of the entire verbal contents of the New Testament. A Grammatical Introduction is prefixed, embracing Tables of the inflexion of the various parts of speech, with observations on peculiar and irregular forms.
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