Working Conjure

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Working Conjure

Hoodoo Sen Moise
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Also known as hoodoo or rootwork, conjure is an old, powerful, and popular system of folk magic with strong roots in West African culture. Influenced as well by Christianity, Jewish mysticism, and Native American practices, the tradition of conjure is both fascinating and subtle.

Hoodoo Sen Moise has been studying this tradition and working with conjure for 35 years. Here in Working Conjure, he explores the history, principles, fundamentals, and ethics of conjure. But he also provides a practical how-to guide to actually "working" conjure.

This book:

  • Explores the primary materials of conjure
  • Features spells, rituals, and workings for various purposes
  • Guides readers to learn how to bring this profound school of magic to life

Red Wheel Weiser
ISBN 10:
ISBN 13:
EPUB, 726 KB
CID , CID Blake2b
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