Stop Overthinking: A Beginner's Guide: 5-Step Proven Plan...

Stop Overthinking: A Beginner's Guide: 5-Step Proven Plan to go from Endless Stress, Self-sabotage, Negative Thinking to Positive and Focused Mindset

Mona Barllow
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5-Step Proven Techniques for Positive Change: You will learn practical ways to stop ruminating on negativity, be aware of triggers, recognize stress, and build healthy habits to positively change your life.

Understanding Your Mind: Gain insights into the challenges of overthinking, rewire your brain, and break free from self-imposed mental prisons.

Breaking the Negative Thought Loop: Learn to escape the never-ending thought loop and focus on what truly matters.

Scientific-Based Approach to a Better Life: Learn scientific methods with step-by-step instruction and examples to alter thinking patterns and break the cycle of negative thoughts and emotions. Change the way you think, and you will change your life.

Enhance your journey even more with an additional bonus book included for free: “The Hidden Triggers of Unhappiness”

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english, 2023
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