On Thriving: Harnessing Joy Through Life's Great Labors

On Thriving: Harnessing Joy Through Life's Great Labors

Brandi Sellerz-Jackson
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A renowned doula shares powerful lessons on healing and thriving through the murky seasons of life in this moving, intimate guide to deeper self-awareness and radical joy.
“This book is a beacon of resilience. . . . A must-read for anyone committed to growth.”—Erica Chidi Cohen, author of Nurture
We’ve all been there: We take a pause, look at our lives, and desire more—more from our relationships, more from our wellness journeys, maybe simply more from ourselves. For some, it might be more fun, more peace, more exploration—but what does it take to get to the other side of living in survival mode? In On Thriving, Brandi Sellerz-Jackson helps us wade through what she calls the four great labors of our lives—labors that she’s had to overcome and that she has led many clients through.
Drawing from her experiences as a doula and intimate storytelling from her own life, Sellerz-Jackson guides us...
Random House Publishing Group
EPUB, 5.08 MB
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english, 2024
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