She Stoops to Conquer
Oliver Goldsmith
First published in 1771, She Stoops to Conquer is a classic comedy play written by Oliver Goldsmith in the 18th century. The story revolves around a young man named Charles Marlow, who is nervous and reserved around upper-class women but confident and outgoing around lower-class women. He is set to visit the home of Mr. Hardcastle with his friend George Hastings, with the intent of meeting Mr. Hardcastle's daughter, Kate, as a potential bride for Marlow. However, due to a series of misunderstandings and trickery, Marlow and Hastings are led to believe that Mr. Hardcastle's house is an inn and consequently treat their hosts with disrespect. To break through Marlow's shyness, Kate Hardcastle pretends to be a maid to conquer his affections. Meanwhile, various comedic situations ensue as other characters, including Tony Lumpkin, a mischievous young man, and Mrs. Hardcastle, a social-climbing woman, become entangled in the confusion. The play's immediate popularity and enduring appeal have cemented its status as a classic of English theater and continues to be performed and enjoyed by audiences to this day, attesting to its lasting impact on the world of comedy and drama.
Part of the Harvard Classics set.
This book has 23,397 words, and was originally published in 1771.
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