Talking English
Ken C Xiao
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You have studied English for years, yet you still don't speak English well. You have tried many methods and you still make grammar mistakes, you still can't speak English fluently, and you still can't pronounce English words correctly. You can read, but you feel nervous to speak English or too shy to speak English. The good news is, this is very normal. You have simply used ineffective methods to learn to speak English. My name is Ken Xiao. I was in your situation before, but now I can speak English like a native, and I accomplished that in six months. I'm going to teach you how to completely get rid of your accent and develop an American or British accent to speak English just like a native speaker, and I'll teach you how to accomplish that in just six months. In this book, you'll learn: * How to speak like a native in six months or less * How to do that effortlessly on a busy schedule * How to speak English without translating it first * How to learn grammar without memorizing grammar rules * How to build a vocabulary that lasts * How to make you pronounce English words like native American or native British * How to speak English fluently, correctly, and naturally just like a native * And more... to make you speak English like a native speaker. THIS is the book every English learner NEEDS to read. Crystal F., Canada I will recommend to my friends with broken English because I think your book is very helpful for me and other people like me to learn speak fluent English. Thank you so much! Farah A., Iran There are so many books, specifically "help" books, out on the market that one can get so overwhelmed. This book, catering to the English language fluency, is such a great book that there is no need to even scratch your head over the others. Leona Y., Czech Republic You have studied English for years, yet you still can't speak English well. The reason is simple: The methods you used were ineffective. Change your way of learning now. Learn from a successful person w
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Createspace Independant Publishing Platform
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EPUB, 490 KB
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english, 2016
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