Agile and Lean Program Management: Scaling Collaboration Across the Organization
Johanna Rothman
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If you’re trying to use agile and lean at the program level, you’ve heard of several approaches, all about scaling processes. But, if you duplicate what one team does for several teams, you get bloat, not delivery. Instead of scaling the process, scale everyone's collaboration.
Teams and program level people can decide how to apply agile and lean to their work. Learn how to collaborate around deliverables, not meetings. Learn which measurements to use and how to use those measures to help people deliver more of what you want (delivered value) and less of what you don’t want (work in progress). Create an environment of servant leadership and small-world networks. Learn to enable autonomy, collaboration, and exploration across the organization and deliver your product.
Scale collaboration and deliver your product.
Teams and program level people can decide how to apply agile and lean to their work. Learn how to collaborate around deliverables, not meetings. Learn which measurements to use and how to use those measures to help people deliver more of what you want (delivered value) and less of what you don’t want (work in progress). Create an environment of servant leadership and small-world networks. Learn to enable autonomy, collaboration, and exploration across the organization and deliver your product.
Scale collaboration and deliver your product.
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english, 2016
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