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- The Guest Cat
The Guest Cat
Takashi Hiraide, Eric Selland (translation)°°°
Takashi Hiraide was born in Moji, Kitakyushu in 1950. Hiraide has written numerous books of poetry & several books of genre-bending essays, including one on poetics & baseball. He currently lives in the west suburbs of Tokyo with a cat & his wife, the poet Michiyo Kawano. His novel, The Guest Cat, is a New York Times Bestseller.
Eric Selland lives in Tokyo. He is the author of The Condition of Music, Inventions, & Still Lifes. Selland is co-editing an anthology of twentieth-century Japanese experimental poetry with poet & translator Sawako Nakayasu, which is scheduled to appear from New Directions Books in 2022. He makes his living as an independent translator of Japanese economic research reports.
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