Forever Home

Forever Home

Anh Lin
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From the creator of The Abundant Life Devotional Journal and the popular YouTube channel Girl and The Word, Anh Lin's unique blend of biblical teaching and personal storytelling helps you build the strong, peaceful, abundant life you've always dreamed of—inside and out.

Many of us long for lasting peace and stability, whether we are healing from painful memories, grieving a recent loss, or simply trying to find a quiet path in a chaotic world. In Forever Home, you can get to the root of "why does this keep happening to me?" by learning the truth behind your thoughts and the role they play in your current reality. As Anh vulnerably shares how she rebuilt her own "safe house" after the trauma of her early life, you will discover the five powerful steps to rebuilding your forever home:

  • How to remove the unsafe patterns of your past
  • How to renew the foundation of your life
  • How...
  • Year:
    ISBN 10:
    ISBN 13:
    EPUB, 28.82 MB
    CID , CID Blake2b
    english, 2023
    Download (epub, 28.82 MB)
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