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Arm Assembly Language Programming & Architecture
Muhammad Ali Mazidi, Sarmad Naimi, Sepehr NaimiHow much do you like this book?
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Who uses ARM? Currently ARM CPU is licensed and produced by more than 200 companies and is the dominant CPU chip in both cell phones and tablets. Given its RISC architecture and powerful 32-bit instructions set, it can be used for both 8-bit and 32-bit embedded products. The ARM corp. has already defined the 64-bit instruction extension and for that reason many Laptop and Server manufactures are introducing ARM-based Laptop and Servers. Who will use our textbook? This book is intended for both academic and industry readers. If you are using this book for a university course, the support materials and tutorials can be found on www.MicroDigitalEd.com. This book covers the Assembly language programming of the ARM chip. The ARM Assembly language is standard regardless of who makes the chip. The ARM licensees are free to implement the on-chip peripheral (ADC, Timers, I/O, etc.) as they choose. Since the ARM peripherals are not standard among the various vendors, we have dedicated a separate book to each vendor.
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PDF, 5.14 MB
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english, 2016
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