Secret Societies of the Middle Ages - The Assassins, the...

Secret Societies of the Middle Ages - The Assassins, the Templars & the Secret Tribunals of Westphalia

Thomas Keightley
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Secret Societies of the Middle Ages explores the foundations of modern secret societies, examining the history and known facts of three very different organizations.

1. The Assassins of the Middle East-how they evolved from an Islamic religious sect into one of the most feared groups in all the world and how the very name of this ancient order became the word used for political killings of this nature.

2. The Templars of Europe-from a pious group of protectors and dedicated crusaders to their bitter end persecuted as heretics, they introduced the concept of banking to the world while amassing a fortune of incalculable wealth.

3. The Secret Tribunals of Westphalia-the feared and self-appointed judicial group who passed judgment and performed executions in a time of lawlessness in Germany. They enjoyed popular support, providing a rudimentary and vigilante law at a time when warlords ruled and the emperor was ineffective.

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english, 2005
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