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- How to Write a Memoir (Language Arts...

How to Write a Memoir (Language Arts Explorer Junior)
Nel Yomtov
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Interest Age: Ages 6-8, Ages 9-12
Grade: 4th Grade, 5th Grade, 6th Grade
This book teaches readers how to plan and write memoirs. They will discover what makes an interesting life story, why details are important to creating an interesting story, and how to organize memories into a compelling narrative. A variety of activities provide hints and tips along the way to support the development of point of view, descriptive detail, logical organization, and the narrative as a whole.
Grade: 4th Grade, 5th Grade, 6th Grade
This book teaches readers how to plan and write memoirs. They will discover what makes an interesting life story, why details are important to creating an interesting story, and how to organize memories into a compelling narrative. A variety of activities provide hints and tips along the way to support the development of point of view, descriptive detail, logical organization, and the narrative as a whole.
Content Type:
Cherry Lake Publishing
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Language Arts Explorer Junior
PDF, 16.24 MB
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english, 2014
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