Accident and Emergency Radiology. A Survival Guide

Accident and Emergency Radiology. A Survival Guide

Nigel Raby
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Since it was first published, Accident and Emergency Radiology: A Survival Guide has become the classicreference and an indispensable aid to all those who work in the Emergency Department. The core and substantial value lies in the step-by-step analytical approaches which help you to answer this question: "These images look normal to me, but . . . how can I be sure that I am not missing a subtle but important abnormality?"

  • Consult this title on your favorite e-reader, conduct rapid searches, and adjust font sizes for optimal readability.
  • Ensure accuracy in reading and interpretation of any given image. Common sources of error and diagnostic difficulty are highlighted.
  • Prevent mistakes. Pitfalls and associated abnormalities are emphasized throughout.
  • Avoid misdiagnoses. Normal anatomy is outlined alongside schemes for detecting variants of the norm. Each chapter...
  • Categories:
    Elsevier Health Science;Elsevier Health Sciences UK;Saunders Ltd.
    ISBN 10:
    ISBN 13:
    EPUB, 13.25 MB
    CID , CID Blake2b
    english, 2014
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