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Elements of Wit: Mastering the Art of Being Interesting
Benjamin ErrettHow much do you like this book?
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Got wit?
We’ve all been in that situation where we need to say something clever, but innocuous; smart enough to show some intelligence, without showing off; something funny, but not a joke. What we need in that moment is witthat sparkling combination of charm, humor, confidence, and most of all, the right words at the right time.
Elements of Wit is an engaging book that brings together the greatest wits of our time, and previous ones from Oscar Wilde to Nora Ephron, Winston Churchill to Christopher Hitchens, Mae West to Louis CK, and many in between.
With chapters covering the essential ingredients of wit, this primer sheds light on how anyoneintroverts, extroverts, wallflowers, and bon vivantscan find the right zinger, quip, parry, or retort or at least be a little bit more interesting.
We’ve all been in that situation where we need to say something clever, but innocuous; smart enough to show some intelligence, without showing off; something funny, but not a joke. What we need in that moment is witthat sparkling combination of charm, humor, confidence, and most of all, the right words at the right time.
Elements of Wit is an engaging book that brings together the greatest wits of our time, and previous ones from Oscar Wilde to Nora Ephron, Winston Churchill to Christopher Hitchens, Mae West to Louis CK, and many in between.
With chapters covering the essential ingredients of wit, this primer sheds light on how anyoneintroverts, extroverts, wallflowers, and bon vivantscan find the right zinger, quip, parry, or retort or at least be a little bit more interesting.
Perigee Trade
ISBN 10:
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EPUB, 4.00 MB
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CID , CID Blake2b
english, 2014
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