Absolute Breast Imaging Review: Multimodality Cases for the Core Exam
Lucy Chow (Editor), Bo Li (Editor)
As faculty members at an academic institution, we wanted to generate an educational
resource for breast imaging fellows and radiology residents on the subject of breast
imaging. Our goal was to create an informative and invaluable high yield breast
imaging case review book to help with boards preparation and clinical practice.
We have collected numerous high-quality, multi-modality, breast imaging caseswhich directly align with the American Board of Radiology’s critical concepts for
the Breast Imaging Domain. The case presentations include mammography, ultrasound,
and breast MRI technologies. Screening and diagnostic concepts as well as
interventional and therapeutic procedures will be included. Within each chapter,
cases will be presented as multiple-choice question format with detailed answer
explanations. The contents of the book will help the reader test their knowledge and
skills related to the clinical practice of breast imaging. Additional topics will also be
addressed, such as indications for screening, regulations, physics, and quality and
safety. We hope trainees at all levels of medical training find this text an integral part
of board exam preparation and lifelong radiology learning.
resource for breast imaging fellows and radiology residents on the subject of breast
imaging. Our goal was to create an informative and invaluable high yield breast
imaging case review book to help with boards preparation and clinical practice.
We have collected numerous high-quality, multi-modality, breast imaging caseswhich directly align with the American Board of Radiology’s critical concepts for
the Breast Imaging Domain. The case presentations include mammography, ultrasound,
and breast MRI technologies. Screening and diagnostic concepts as well as
interventional and therapeutic procedures will be included. Within each chapter,
cases will be presented as multiple-choice question format with detailed answer
explanations. The contents of the book will help the reader test their knowledge and
skills related to the clinical practice of breast imaging. Additional topics will also be
addressed, such as indications for screening, regulations, physics, and quality and
safety. We hope trainees at all levels of medical training find this text an integral part
of board exam preparation and lifelong radiology learning.
ISBN 10:
ISBN 13:
PDF, 29.75 MB
english, 2022
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