Cthulhu Britannica London 1 (Investigator's Guide)

Cthulhu Britannica London 1 (Investigator's Guide)

David Wade, Stuart Boon, James King, Mark Latham, Alistair Montgomery, Marc Torley, David Walker, James Wallis, Peter Wright, Jon Hodgson, Andrew Hepworth, Brandon Leach, Pat Loboyko, Rich Longmore, Scott Neil, Scott Purdy, David Wright, Andrew Kenrick
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London is like nowhere else on Earth. That being the case, it is impossible for this book to do justice to the wealth of
possibilities that London offers to imaginative Keepers and their players. Instead, we have attempted to outline the major features of the city and to provide keepers with resources and suggestions along the way. After all, a thing half seen is always that much more terrifying than something fully disclosed, and your own imagination will fill in the gaps for you far better than we ever could.
We’ve broken up Cthulhu Britannica: London into three volumes. The first, An Investigator’s Guide to London, is written as a guidebook to London in the 1920s, when London was still the most influential city in the world. This first book contains little reference to the Cthulhu Mythos, but rather is intended as a comprehensive and detailed resource for players and as a reference work for Keepers. There is much within for investigators and Keepers to explore. We have tried to provide not only a guidebook of hotels and nightspots, and museums and libraries, but also a guide to the time, the cultures and attitudes, and the opportunities for adventure provided by the city itself.
The second volume, A Keeper’s Guide to London, considers the role of the Cthulhu Mythos, the occult, and the supernatural in the city. It represents a guide to ‘Mythos London’ and contains information on cults and cultists, potential allies and occult societies, as well as new items, magic and creatures. In addition, A Keeper’s Guide to London contains descriptions of the ancient horrors that call London home in the 1920s and in the past, and a. collection of Mythos threats.
Finally, the third volume, Adventures in Mythos London, contains three scenarios to allow you to jump right into some
sinister adventures with little effort. Each scenario takes place in and around London and includes a host of colourful characters and intriguing situations.
And so, let the adventures begin…
Cubicle 7 Entertainment Ltd
Cthulhu Britannica London
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