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The Illustrated Mahabharata: The Definitive Guide to India's Greatest Epic
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Take a fresh look at India's great epic and rediscover the lost kingdoms, dynasties, and characters of the Mahabharata, accompanied by beautiful images and discussion points. Often described as the longest poem ever written, the Mahabharata is one of two Sanskrit epics of ancient India. Its stories resonate with us even today through its themes of conflict and dilemmas and have been drawn on for inspiration in film, theatre, and art. The Illustrated Mahabharata follows the tale as it unfolds through 18 episodes, or parvas, alongside stunning photographs, paintings, sculptures, and historical artifacts. Discover the principal characters of the Mahabharata and their family trees, and understand key moments – from the birth of Pandavas and Kauravas to the death of the elders. This definitive guide also highlights important quotes, themes, and historical context points to explore and enrich your understanding of the stories. Know the Mahabharata with this beautiful retelling of India's greatest epic.
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National Geographic Books
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english, 2017
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