暴君 [The Cruel Tyrant]

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暴君 [The Cruel Tyrant]

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Forcefully snatching handsome men and imprisoning them into his harem is nothing out of the ordinary. Murder and arson is everyday life. Exterminating entire families and massacring whole cities are just recreational hobbies.
The common people wish daily to rip his tendons and flay his skin. The court officials and chancellors desire strongly to see his death. His royal brothers itch to swallow him whole. Warding evil spirits during the day and expeling demons at night – he is the tyrant who strikes terror in the hearts of the common people.
Creating the foundation of a thousand year dynasty, leaving behind accomplishments that change generations – he is the controversial Emperor of Qing debated over in history texts.
Note: The Qing in this story is 青, which is made up and different from the existing Qing 清 dynasty of China’s history.
EPUB, 2.09 MB
CID , CID Blake2b
english, 2023
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