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Methods of Persuasion: How to Use Psychology to Influence Human Behavior
Nick KolendaBest known for his viral video, "Chat Roulette Mind Reading," Nick Kolenda is finally revealing some of the psychological secrets behind his mind reading feats.
Using revolutionary principles from cognitive psychology, Nick has developed ways to subconsciously influence people's thoughts, and his "mind reading" demonstrations have been seen by over a million people across the globe.
Methods of Persuasion reveals that fascinating secret for the first time, and it explains how you can use those principles to subconsciously influence people's thoughts in your own life. Drawing on cutting-edge research in psychology, the entire book culminates a powerful 7-step persuasion process that follows the acronym, METHODS:
- Step 1: Mold Their Perception
- Step 2: Elicit Congruent Attitudes
- Step 3: Trigger Social Pressure
- Step 4: Habituate Your Message
- Step 5: Optimize Your Message
- Step 6: Drive Their Momentum
- Step 7: Sustain Their Compliance
This book teaches you the psychology behind each step, and it explains how you can use METHODS to influence people's thoughts, emotions, and behavior in nearly any situation.
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