Magic When You Need It: 150 Spells You Can't Live Without
Judika Illes150 spells to help you find a job, meet your soul mate, protect your home, and deal with many more common (and not so common) predicaments, from the author of the Encyclopedia of 5,000 Spells.
Many spells and charms can take days or even weeks to complete. In Magic When You Need It, Judika Illes offers a collection of super-powered magic to help you right now.
Divided into four sections: Money and Career; Love, Sex, Marriage, and Children; Home; and Trouble, Magic When You Need It offers 150 spells to help you with many common (and not so common) predicaments.
Using simple instructions and ingredients that can be found in your pantry, combined with easy to find magical oils and botanicals, Illes blends Old World and modern magic to provide the reader with safe, effective magical remedies for many of life's troubles. Carry this book in your purse, your car, or keep it on your kitchen counter for accessible magic year-round.
Red Wheel Weiser
ISBN 10:
ISBN 13:
EPUB, 392 KB
english, 2008