Specialty Chemicals Source Book 4 ed. in 2 Vol.
Ash Michael, Ash IrenePart one includes more than 18,000 monographs on specialty chemicals and materials. Each entry contains information including the following categories: CAS (Chemical Abstract Service), EINECS/ELINCS (European Inventory of Existing Commercial Chemical Substances/European List of Notified Chemical Substances), UN/DOT reference numbers, FEMA numbers, classification, definition, chemical synonyms, empirical and molecular formulas, properties, toxicology, precautions, storage, uses, use level, regulatory details, manufacturers and distributors, trade name synonyms (including their manufacturers). More than 70,000 generic chemical synonyms and 60,000 trade name synonyms are cross-referenced back to the main generic chemical monograph so that you can always locate information on the chemicals you need. Discontinued trade names are also included for historical reference and identification. Part two contains a Function/Application Index which is a powerful tool for locating chemicals based on more than 31,000 function and/or application entries. Part three is the Manufacturers Directory which contains detailed contact information for all manufacturers of the trade name products and generic chemicals that are referenced in this Source Book. Contains these important cross-reference sections to assist you in targeting the information you need quickly. CAS Number to Synonym Index EINECS/ELINCS Number to Synonym Index Chemical Formula Index anda Glossary Bibilography