The Dilemma

The Dilemma

Sarah Hawthorn
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A daughter visits the island of Guernsey to unearth horrifying family truths and solve a decades-old mystery surrounding her mother, in this historical page-turner

1958. Esme, a novelist, finds a potential new literary project. A housemaid named Clara was convicted of murder, perhaps unjustly, amid the ending of World War II and the liberation of Guernsey from Nazi occupation. Esme's trip to Guernsey is an opportunity not only to research the case, but to learn more about her mother's family--as well as to heal from the heartbreak inflicted on her by the man she loved . . .

1915. A teenager marries her childhood sweetheart before he heads off to fight in the Great War. But he doesn't come back, and Jane, presumed a widow, flees Guernsey--devastated by her loss. In London, Jane finds a new life and a new husband--but her past isn't done with her yet.

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MOBI , 501 KB
CID , CID Blake2b
english, 2022
mobi, 501 KB
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