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Statistics I & II for dummies (2-eBook bundle)
Deborah RumseyHow much do you like this book?
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The fun and easy way to get down to business with statisticsStymied by statistics? No fear ? this friendly guide offers clear, practical explanations of statistical ideas, techniques, formulas, and calculations, with lots of examples that show you how these concepts apply to your everyday life.Statistics For Dummies shows you how to interpret and critique graphs and charts, determine the odds with probability, guesstimate with confidence using confidence intervals, set up and carry out a hypothesis test, compute statistical formulas, and more.Tracks to a typical first semester statistics courseUpdated examples resonate with today's studentsExplanations mirror teaching methods and classroom protocolPacked with practical advice and real-world problems, Statistics For Dummies gives you everything you need to analyze and interpret data for improved classroom or on-the-job performance.
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For dummies
EPUB, 15.38 MB
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english, 2013
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