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- Nursing Diagnosis Handbook
Nursing Diagnosis Handbook
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55% OFF for Bookstores! NOW at $27.95 instead of 39.95! This is the official Nursing Diagnosis Handbook created by Nurse Academy. Are you looking for a guide for a quick interpretation of the 12-lead ECG? Would you like to learn how to diagnose and treat arrhythmias? Are you looking for a guide to interpreting laboratory values? Find it all in this book. Your clients will be satisfied. Our Nursing Diagnosis Handbook is a study guide for students, nurses, and doctors. For anyone wishing to expand or update their understanding to interpret ECG and laboratory values, to be able to diagnose any pathology. This book represents a significant change in nursing practices, with the chapters undergoing reorganization and consolidation. The book is made for beginners, who will be given a mental framework for advanced topics. It is full of essential information. With simple, easy-to-understand text, you can visualize and learn: - What is the ECG - Disease and medical conditions associated with the ECG - Interpretation of ECG readings - Gain a thorough understanding of what laboratory values are and how they are determined. - Learn to interpret lab values from over 35 lab tests correctly. - Be able to objectively measure the patient's health. - Use your new skills every single day at work ... And more! It doesn't matter if you are new to this topic or if you want to brush up on your skills; The Nursing Diagnosis HandBook is the perfect book for you! So what are you waiting for? Click here to purchase this book. Nurse Academy
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Nurse Academy
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PDF, 15.88 MB
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english, 2021
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