The Game Plan for Life Bible

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The Game Plan for Life Bible

Joe Gibbs
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This is your Playbook for life.In life, you're going to get tackled, intercepted, or end up in the wall. So how do you prepare and be ready when life slams you unexpectedly? Maybe your struggle is with your finances, your relationships, your job, or perhaps you just hope to gain understanding of some of the basics about God, salvation, and what your purpose is in life. If so, the Game Plan for Life Bible, NIV will reveal God's perspectives in these areas in a practical, engaging way and provide the tools you need to create a solid, God-honoring game plan for your life.The notes that lead you to the Bible's answers on your toughest questions are based on a national survey that former NFL coach and current NASCAR team owner Joe Gibbs commissioned. This research targeted the everyday life issues that men struggle with most. He may have Super Bowl rings and NASCAR Cup championship trophies to his credit, but Coach Gibbs believes that, by turning to the Bible in times of...

ISBN 10:
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EPUB, 13.10 MB
CID , CID Blake2b
english, 2012
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