NIV Real-Life Devotional Bible for Women

NIV Real-Life Devotional Bible for Women

Lysa TerKeurst
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As women, we want to fully live up to our God-given potential. But we fall victim to the messages the world whispers in our ears: 'You need to buy all of this stuff in order to feel complete.' 'You'd be a lot happier if you had a different husband.' 'If you're not super mom and you can't do it all, you aren't good enough.'The reality is, what the world tells us isn't true. If we listened to these messages, our lives would become harried, empty, and phony. Instead we need to listen to the messages that God gives us in his Word. A great place to start is Proverbs 31. The woman described in this passage seems like the ideal woman, and she is. But even more, she is real. She is authentic and true, with a heart for God, a heart for her family, and a heart for her community.How do you become that woman? It's a journey, and it happens by the choices you make every day. The NIV Real-Life Devotional Bible for Women will help you become the woman you want to be. With insightful daily...

ISBN 10:
ISBN 13:
EPUB, 10.69 MB
CID , CID Blake2b
english, 2013
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