NIV Once-A-Day Bible for Women

NIV Once-A-Day Bible for Women

Livingstone Corporation
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With this NIV Once-A-Day Bible for Women, you can read through the Bible in a year. . . or at your own pace.Now you can practice the spiritual discipline of daily Bible reading at your own pace. Want a reading plan that will take you through the Bible in a year? You got it. Don't want the guilt of falling behind in your daily reading? You won't ---each daily reading is numbered, not dated, allowing the flexibility you need as you strive to engage God's Word every day. Looking for a Bible with insights about what you as a woman most need to hear? These are included as well in the intuitive, hopeful devotional thoughts located at the end of each daily reading.The NIV Once-A-Day Bible for Women organizes the clear, accessible New International Version Bible into 365 daily readings. Each day's reading includes a portion of Scripture from the Old Testament, the New Testament, and a Psalm or a Proverb, followed by an encouraging devotional thought specifically written for women.

ISBN 10:
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EPUB, 19.03 MB
CID , CID Blake2b
english, 2018
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