NIV Lessons from Life Bible

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NIV Lessons from Life Bible

Jimmy Carter
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The NIV Lessons from Life Study Bible takes Mr. Carter's years of teaching Sunday school lessons at Maranatha Baptist Church in Plains, GA, and meshes them with the text of the NIV Bible. Through 'In Focus' articles, 'Bible in Life' notes, in-depth studies and insightful observations and reflections, President Carter's teachings in this Bible provide fresh insights for you to study and contemplate.Features:

  • The full text of the clear, accessible NIV translation
  • Foreword by Jonathan Reckford, International CEO of Habitat for Humanity
  • Bible in Life notes: short, application-oriented notes on particular verses
  • In Focus Articles: longer articles on particular topics
  • Short prayers of application on select passages
  • Reflections: brief one-sentence sayings and quotations by Jimmy Carter
  • Year:
    ISBN 10:
    ISBN 13:
    EPUB, 10.14 MB
    CID , CID Blake2b
    english, 2010
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