NIV Encountering the Spirit Bible
Jack HayfordDiscover the Power of the Holy SpiritUnderstand the Holy Spirit in a whole new way as you spend 52 weeks studying different aspects of the Spirit's activity throughout the Bible. As you study, you'll grow in your own walk with the living Spirit, who brings the power of God into your daily life. Through 52 studies that lead you to all parts of the Bible, you'll come to uncover the mystery, power and influence of the Spirit and discover how he still works powerfully today in the lives of his followers. The Encounter Bible Series introduces you to the three-in-one God as each volume dives deeply into a study of each person of the Trinity: God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. As you read these devotional study notes alongside the text of the NIV Bible, you'll begin to gain a fuller understanding of the God of the Bible.Features: