Mrs. Dalloway
Virginia WoolfHow much do you like this book?
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This annotated edition of Viriginia Woolf's classic Mrs. Dalloway, named one of Time's 100 Best Novels, features an introduction by Women's Studies professor Bonnie Kime Scott, and is perfect for critical analysis in classrooms and beyond.This brilliant novel explores the hidden springs of thought and action in one day of a woman's life. Direct and vivid in her account of the details of Clarissa Dalloway's preparations for a party she is to give that evening, Woolf ultimately manages to reveal much more; for it is the feeling behind these daily events that gives Mrs. Dalloway its texture and richness and makes it so memorable.This annotated edition of Mrs. Dalloway offers students the resources to help them understand the text as well as the reasons and methods behind Woolf's writing.
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
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MOBI , 477 KB
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english, 2005
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