Princeton Review GRE Premium Prep, 2022
The Princeton Review [The Princeton Review]
THE ALL-IN-ONE SOLUTION FOR YOUR HIGHEST POSSIBLE SCORE. Get the prep you need for your best GRE score with The Princeton Review, including 7 full-length practice tests (the MOST on the market!), thorough topic reviews, exclusive access to premium online content, and a $100 discount on an additional Princeton Review online GRE course.
Techniques That Actually Work.
• Powerful tactics to avoid traps and beat the GRE
• Tips for pacing yourself and guessing logically
Everything You Need to Know for a High Score.
• Information on remote testing and COVID-related news, available through our online Student Portal
• Complete content review, plus extensive GRE math coverage featuring new chapters about Math Fundamentals on the GRE, Algebra Basics, and Plugging In
Practice Your Way to Perfection.
• 7 full-length practice tests (2 in the book & 5 online) with detailed...
Techniques That Actually Work.
• Powerful tactics to avoid traps and beat the GRE
• Tips for pacing yourself and guessing logically
Everything You Need to Know for a High Score.
• Information on remote testing and COVID-related news, available through our online Student Portal
• Complete content review, plus extensive GRE math coverage featuring new chapters about Math Fundamentals on the GRE, Algebra Basics, and Plugging In
Practice Your Way to Perfection.
• 7 full-length practice tests (2 in the book & 5 online) with detailed...
Random House Children's Books
ISBN 10:
ISBN 13:
EPUB, 44.78 MB
english, 2021