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Nursing Mnemonics: 100 + Memory Tricks to Crush the Nursing...

Nursing Mnemonics: 100 + Memory Tricks to Crush the Nursing School and Trigger Your Nursing Memory

Maria Youtman [Youtman, Maria]
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CAUTION!!! Its Not only a Mnemonics Book!!! So most of mnemonics provided in this book have had a short description, then you dont even need to search for further resources. Crush the Nursing School & Trigger Your Nursing Memory, use it for your NCLEX RN Test Preperation. in details: There are a ton of terms that need to be read and memorized to help you at your nursing school, as well before you take the NCLEX-RN Exam. It may get pretty hard to remember all of those concepts right off hand. One good way to help you to remember certain terms and concepts is to use Mnemonics. Everyone has their own way of remembering information and that's why NCLEX-RN mnemonics are so helpful. Mnemonics is the study and development of systems for improving and assisting the memory. Using mnemonics is an excellent way to keep things straight while also relating them to something less stressful. Mnemonics improve your memory by using the technique of association. At this Book, you get the most helpful mnemonics for the NCLEX-RN exam that you should include in your study sessions. So How Worth You Nurse To save Your Time, Simply Scroll Up Hit the Buy Button!!!
Independently Published
EPUB, 1.28 MB
CID , CID Blake2b
english, 2019
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