The Plus One Pact

The Plus One Pact

MacIntosh, Portia
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Cara has officially run out of men. Her most recent dates have gone from bad to worse, and when her dating app informs her there is no one left in her area to choose from, she is at a dead end.

But with a summer of events ahead of her, she needs to find a solution, fast; someone to keep her company at the never-ending weddings, family gatherings and gender reveal parties that she can’t face going to alone.
So when she meets handsome, confident, Millsy on a night out she may be in luck. They could not be more different in personality, but he too has a summer of events ahead and is desperate to get his family off his back about finding a ‘nice girl’. 
What if they made a pact to help each other out and be a plus one for the summer? Just as friends, of course...?
Boldwood Books
EPUB, 502 KB
CID , CID Blake2b
english, 2020
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