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Memoir your way: tell your story through writing, recipes, quilts, graphic novels, and more
Roundtable, The Memoir, (Creator)
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A new approach to family and personal memoirs that includes many creative formats.
Memoir Your Wayinspires family storykeepers to create a memoir using a craft you already know or are inspired to learn to create a personal, polished memoir your family will treasure. Accessible and with broad appeal, this first-of-its-kind book extends the written memoir form to cookbooks, scrapbooks, quilts, and other forms of storytelling.
Readers ofMemoir Your Waywill find out how to:
Create your own family cookbook like a pro
Design, stitch, and create stunning quilts that preserve family memories for the next generation and create a cherished gift
Bring out the natural storyteller in children while building self-confidence and a sense of family
Write engaging family stories with proven writing tips
Enrich scrapbooks with stories that might otherwise be overlooked and techniques that showcase even the memories that weren't preserved in photographs
Turn your story into a graphic novel with hand-drawn illustrations
Become the bridge for your heritage between the old world and the new
Memoir Your Waymakes memoir accessible to everyone, including those who don't see themselves as writers.Memoir Your Wayis a valuable sourcebook for quickly and easily creating memoirs that celebrate family stories and ancestry.
Memoir Your Wayinspires family storykeepers to create a memoir using a craft you already know or are inspired to learn to create a personal, polished memoir your family will treasure. Accessible and with broad appeal, this first-of-its-kind book extends the written memoir form to cookbooks, scrapbooks, quilts, and other forms of storytelling.
Readers ofMemoir Your Waywill find out how to:
Create your own family cookbook like a pro
Design, stitch, and create stunning quilts that preserve family memories for the next generation and create a cherished gift
Bring out the natural storyteller in children while building self-confidence and a sense of family
Write engaging family stories with proven writing tips
Enrich scrapbooks with stories that might otherwise be overlooked and techniques that showcase even the memories that weren't preserved in photographs
Turn your story into a graphic novel with hand-drawn illustrations
Become the bridge for your heritage between the old world and the new
Memoir Your Waymakes memoir accessible to everyone, including those who don't see themselves as writers.Memoir Your Wayis a valuable sourcebook for quickly and easily creating memoirs that celebrate family stories and ancestry.
Content Type:
Skyhorse;The New Press; Skyhorse Publishing
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EPUB, 21.32 MB
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CID , CID Blake2b
english, 2016
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