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- Oxford Grammar of Classical Greek
Oxford Grammar of Classical Greek
James MorwoodHow much do you like this book?
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The Oxford Grammar of Classical Greek gives clear, concise, and easily understood explanations of all the key points of Classical Greek grammar. With additional features such as a glossary of grammatical terms, a vocabulary list covering all the Greek words found in the main text, study tips, and practice exercises to help develop knowledge and gain confidence, this invaluable resource ensures that students have all the support they need to complement their language learning. The Oxford Grammar of Classical Greek also offers hundreds of example sentences illustrating grammatical points, an explanation of literary terms, and a guide to how Classical Greek was pronounced. The first book of grammar dedicated to Classical Greek for students in almost a century, this handy reference will replace existing Greek grammars and help students bring this ancient language to life.
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Oxford University Press
ISBN 10:
PDF, 7.02 MB
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english, 2002
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