Essential Linux Device Drivers

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Essential Linux Device Drivers

Venkateswaran, Sreekrishnan
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A unique resource that shows Linux kernel and Linux application programmers how to write bug-free code that's optimized for performance. This resource includes: debugging tools and techniques for the Linux kernel itself and Linux applications; performance tools and techniques that show how to supercharge the kernel and the applications that run on it; and sophisticated profiling techniques that teach programmers how to uncover application bottlenecks. Like all books in the Arnold Robbins series, this book is written by Linux practitioners for Linux practitioners, and like all books in the series, this book contains many hundreds of lines of example program code from the Linux kernel and from real-world Linux applications. Though this book presents debugging strategy, it is fundamentally a hands-on Linux software debugging and performance tuning book.
Pearson Education
EPUB, 29.52 MB
CID , CID Blake2b
english, 2008
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