The Almanac of American Employers 2002-2003: The Only...

The Almanac of American Employers 2002-2003: The Only Complete Guide to the Hottest, Fastest-Growing Major Corporations (Almanac of American Employers)

Plunkett (ed)
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Looking for jobs and careers with top American employers? Companies that are recruiting and hiring today? Do you want employment with top salaries, benefits, stock options and advancement opportunities? The Almanac of American Employers, leads job seekers doing employment research to the 500 best, largest, most successful companies that are hiring in America. Job seekers-- from new college graduates--to top executives--to first time employees seeking companies recruiting entry level workers—rely on our complete profiles of the 500 fastest-growing, major corporate employers in America today-- companies creating the best job opportunities. This immense reference book includes hard-to-find information, such as: benefit plans, stock plans, salaries, hiring and recruiting plans, training and corporate culture, growth, new facilities, research & development, fax numbers, toll-free numbers and Internet addresses. We rate over 100 firms as "Hot Spots" for job openings and advancement opportunities for women and minorities. In addition, The Almanac of American Employers includes a job market trends analysis and 7 keys for research for job openings. We give indexes by career type, locations, industry and much more. Whether you're a new college graduate seeking the best salaries, training and advancement opportunities, or an experienced executive doing corporate research to find companies with the best benefit plans and stock options, The Almanac of American Employers is your complete reference to today's hottest companies. Both printed book and eBook purchasers can receive a free copy of the database on CD-ROM, enabling export of employer contacts, phone numbers and addresses.
Plunkett Research Ltd
ISBN 10:
PDF, 12.53 MB
CID , CID Blake2b
english, 2001
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