Plunkett's Financial Services Industry Almanac 2004: The...

Plunkett's Financial Services Industry Almanac 2004: The Only Comprehensive Guide to the Financial Services Industry

Jack W. Plunkett
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Deregulation and globalization are creating sweeping changes within all financial services sectors. Plunkett’s Financial Services Industry Almanac includes complete description of the size, scope and potential of every segment of the Financial Services business. This comprehensive book includes 28 statistical tables covering everything from consumer credit outstanding to GDP to personal income, savings and investment. In our market research chapters, we delve into the entire industry, showing you the relationship between major money center banks on the asset side, technology information managers and service providers on the electronic side, and investment bankers, brokerage houses and major players on the investment side. We include extensive market analysis of the mortgage sector, online banking and trading, insurance, money center banking and overall market trends. The Financial Services 500 section includes in-depth profiles of the leading: insurance companies, mortgage companies, investment banks, stock brokerages, trust companies, credit card companies, financial software firms, transaction processors, financial firms on the Internet and America's top Money-Center Banking companies. These profiles include corporate name, address, phone, fax, web site, growth plans, competitive advantage, financial histories and up to 27 executive contacts by title. Purchasers of either the book or PDF version can receive a free copy of the company profiles database on CD-ROM, enabling key word search and export of key information, addresses, phone numbers and executive names with titles for every company profiled. 719 pages.
Plunkett Research
ISBN 10:
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PDF, 7.13 MB
CID , CID Blake2b
english, 2003
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