Embedded Systems Design using the Rabbit 3000...

Embedded Systems Design using the Rabbit 3000 Microprocessor: Interfacing, Networking, and Application Development (Embedded Technology)

Kamal Hyder, Bob Perrin
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The Rabbit 3000 is a popular high-performance microprocessor specifically designed for embedded control, communications, and Ethernet connectivity. This new technical reference book will help designers get the most out of the Rabbit's powerful feature set. The first book on the market to focus exclusively on the Rabbit 3000, it provides detailed coverage of: Rabbit architecture and development environment, interfacing to the external world, networking, Rabbit assembly language, multitasking, debugging, Dynamic C and much more!Authors Kamal Hyder and Bob Perrin are embedded engineers with years of experience and they offer a wealth of design details and "insider" tips and techniques. Extensive embedded design examples are supported by fully tested source code. Whether you're already working with the Rabbit or considering it for a future design, this is one reference you can't be without! * Let the experts teach you how to design embedded systems that efficiently hook up to the Internet using networked core modules* Provides a number of projects and source code using RabbitCore, which will make it easy for the system designer and programmer to get hands-on experience developing networked devices* Accompanying CD-ROM contains useful tools and software for embedded network design
ISBN 10:
PDF, 161.64 MB
CID , CID Blake2b
english, 2004
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